Sukhi Grihakon and Saptahik Bartaman magazines are Bengali Magazines published by Bartaman Press from Kolkata. They publishe Cover story, Teen Fashion, Beauty Tips, Career Guide, Solution of Personal Problems, Campus news, Serial Novel, special articles in special occasion etc. Other articles of this magazine include Entertainment News, Fashion, series novel, Health & Beauty Tips, Treatment, Various Writers Articles, Interview, Sports News, Baby's Corner and many more. The annual subscription of these two magazines will start from month it is bought.
Yummim's 100% Natural Date & Green Apple Spread - handcrafted with choicest Green Apple, sugar, Dates & lemon, spiced with cinnamon & cloves. Each 225 gm bottles of our Date & Green Apple preserve contain more than 50% of fruit. This handcrafted gourmet jam contains all natural ingredients; no preservatives, no chemicals, no added colours and no added flavours. Enjoy the intense date flavour on a toast or as a dessert topping! Add a dollop in yogurt to create a healthy instant snack!
Yummium's 100% Alphonso Spread - handcrafted with choicest Alphonso mangoes, sugar, ginger & lemon. Each 225 gm bottles of our Alphonso preserve contain more than 50% of fruit. This handcrafted gourmet jam contains all natural ingredients; no preservatives, no chemicals, no added colours and no added flavours. Enjoy the exotic mango flavour on a toast or as a dessert topping! Add a dollop on ice cream to create a yummy ice cream sundae!
100% natural Mango Mustard is hand-crafted from fresh raw mango adds just the right twist to any course of a meal as a dip. Be it a part of a sandwich or accompaniment to fritters and fries or even as a marinade for steaming and grilling, the right mix of sour, ranginess and spice is brought out to ensure that your repeat order is almost pre-determined, if you like the mustard taste in your dishes.
The dip is vegan and gluten & nut-free; it contains garlic and matures with time. Once opened, needs to be refrigerated and dry spoons should be used. The dip matures with age and has a certified shelf life of 6 months.
The first of its kind, Himalaya's pure hands is an effective, herbal, alcohol based hand sanitizer which kills 99.9 percent of germs, prevents infection and ensures total hand hygiene. Pure hands contains extracts of herbs like coriander, which have potent anti microbial properties and lime, which is a natural bactericidal. In addition, the active ingredients of Neem, which are anti bacterial, fungicidal and anti viral, safely keep viruses, bacteria and fungi at bay.
The first of its kind, Himalaya's pure hands is an effective, herbal, alcohol based hand sanitizer which kills 99.9 percent of germs, prevents infection and ensures total hand hygiene. Pure hands contains extracts of herbs like coriander, which have potent anti microbial properties and lime, which is a natural bactericidal. In addition, the active ingredients of Neem, which are anti bacterial, fungicidal and anti viral, safely keep viruses, bacteria and fungi at bay.