Satyendra Sattoo made from standrad Quality of Chana (Gram or Chickpea). It is regularly used in many household and restaurants. It is used in many food and snacks preparations especially during summer and is an item of mass consumption. Since it is made from gram, it has certain nutritional values as well.
Suthol antiseptic skin liquid provides the best relief from all these skin troubles. Go through the Ingredient details of Suthol and see how each component in Suthol has been carefully selected to help your skin remain fresh and trouble- free during summer.
Suthol antiseptic skin liquid provides the best relief from all these skin troubles. Go through the Ingredient details of Suthol and see how each component in Suthol has been carefully selected to help your skin remain fresh and trouble- free during summer.
Buy Boroline Suthol Fresh Antiseptic Liquid Online from Bong Haat. Suthol antiseptic skin liquid provides the best relief from all these skin troubles. Go through the Ingredient details of Suthol and see how each component in Suthol has been carefully selected to help your skin remain fresh and trouble- free during summer.
Boroline Antiseptic Ayurvedic Cream is a luxuriantly rich night repair cream to heal dry and rough skin overnight. Use Boroline every night and wake up every morning with soft, happy skin. Boroline, the original antiseptic cream of India reflects the trust of generations of consumers. To three generations of Indian consumers, Boroline has evolved as a caring and trusted member of the family to whom one turns to when in need
The first of its kind, Himalaya's pure hands is an effective, herbal, alcohol based hand sanitizer which kills 99.9 percent of germs, prevents infection and ensures total hand hygiene. Pure hands contains extracts of herbs like coriander, which have potent anti microbial properties and lime, which is a natural bactericidal. In addition, the active ingredients of Neem, which are anti bacterial, fungicidal and anti viral, safely keep viruses, bacteria and fungi at bay.